Match Results Juniors

Match Results 2024
League Table so far…
Samuel 8 points
Harry 3 points
Callum 3 points
Heather 2 points
Louie 1 point
Lucas 1 point

Well done to Callum winning the Birch Hill Trophy in a closely contested match! Unfortunately we do not have a photo of our winner!



Todays match (15th June) was for the Norden Studio Trophy and Samuel doubles up with another win!! He's on fire!
Unfortunately they all had a drenching in the last half an hour!!



Heather match2

The first Junior match of 2024 was held on Saturday, 1st June at Lane Head for the 'Shoot The Moon' trophy. Two fished but we are hoping to have more fishing the next match on June the 15th so if you are interested in fishing, contact Jason Burke.
Winning the trophy today was Samuel. A big well done to him.


Samuel Burke

Lucas match 1

Match Results 2021
Sam Turner wins the Broadley Wood Plate with a weight of 9lb 11oz. Well done Sam!
Sam Turner wins Broadley Plate

Match Results 2020
Congratulations go to Alex Sunderland who won the last match of the season at Lane which also means that he is now the the Junior League Champion for 2020!!
Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 10.52.57
Alex 5th Sept 20

Final Junior League Table 2020

Well done to Alex winning the Stair Shop Trophy.
Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 10.53.50
Alex 29th Aug 20
Alex said…'next time take a pic of the fish dad'!!

Congratulations to Zander winning the Broadley Wood Plate with the best weight of the year so far!
Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 10.29.39
Zand 8th Aug 20
Well done to Abileigh with two in a row winning the Anne Metcalfe Memorial Plate up at Lane Head.
Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 10.30.43
Abi 1st Aug 20

With a great weight, Abileigh wins the Birch Hill Trophy.
Screenshot 2020-09-07 at 10.31.20
Abi 11th July 20

Alex wins the 3rd match of the season, The Norden Studio Trophy. Well done to all who fished.
Screenshot 2020-07-13 at 11.28.30
Alex 3rd
Zander 3rd

With better weights but in wet conditions, Zander has a cracking net of fish to win the Sports Festival Trophy,
Well done also to Alex and Abi.
Screenshot 2020-07-04 at 17.08.52
Zand Match 2 2020
Alex Match 2 2020
Abi match 2 2020

Alex kicks off the season with his first match win! Well done to Zander and Louis also because it has been fishing hard recently so they all targeted the silvers.
Screenshot 2020-07-04 at 17.15.47
Alex Match 3
Zand Match 3
Louis match 3

Match Results 2019
Cain finishes off the season in style by winning the final match of the year. This was a re-arranged match which took place on the Junior outing at Bradshaws, Lake 3.
This concludes the season, with Cain winning the Junior Championship for the 3rd year in a row. Well done also to Abileigh coming second overall in the league and Alex in third place.
Screenshot 2019-09-22 at 10.17.40
Cain Bradshaws 19
Zander Bradshaws 19
Grace Bradshaws 19Abi Bradshaws 19
Alex Bradshaws 19
Well done to Grace winning the Stair Shop Trophy.
Screenshot 2019-09-09 at 14.50.25
Photo's to follow.
Cain wins again at Broadley Wood.
Screenshot 2019-09-04 at 20.38.36
Three in a row for Cain, with Connor coming close in 2nd place!
Screenshot 2019-07-15 at 21.20.05
Cain Match 5 19
Connor match 5
Abi match 5
Alex match 5
Cain wins again to take the RTC Shield in peg 2 to top the league.
Screenshot 2019-07-01 at 11.58.16
Cain RTC Shield
Abi RTC SHield
Cain takes top honours to win the Birch Hill Trophy at Lane Head.
Screenshot 2019-07-01 at 12.00.13
Cain Birc Hill Trophy
Connor Birch HillLouie Birch Hill
In only Louie's second match, he wins the Norden Studio Trophy in style, with a fantastic weight from peg 1!!!
Louie now tops the league after 2 matches but it is all very tight behind him.

Louie Match 2 2019
Camilla Match 2 2019
Alex Match 2 2019
Abi Match 2 2019
Well done to Cain winning the first match of the season with a great net of silvers on the whip.

Cain match1 19
Grace match1 19
Abi match 1 19
Alex match 1 19
Louie match 1 19