Latest News!

3rd July 2024
The fish have now finished spawning at Lane Head so the lakes are now back open for fishing,

3rd July 2024
Please note that there will be an evening match on Wednesday, 3rd July. Could all pleasure anglers be off the lake for 4pm.

23rd May 2024
It is with great pleasure that Whitworth Valley Angling Society would like to officially announce the resumption of Junior Match Fishing for the 2024 season.

Starting on Saturday the 1st June on the Match Lake at Lane Head and running fortnightly with the last match taking place on the 7th of September. Please see the Junior Match Fishing page here on our website for a full list of
Match Dates - 2024 (page 2, scroll down).

The draw will take place at 08:30, fishing will be between 09:00 and 12:15.

Jason Burke (Junior Match Secretary) will be facilitating. He has submitted to the Committee officers a current Disclosure & Barring Services (DBS) check as is required by our constitution and safeguarding policy and this is available to view by members of the Society should they wish. Contact Jason with your membership details to view online.

Booking onto a match must be done by a parent or guardian and not a Junior member. To book on please respond to the notifications on the Facebook Members page or alternatively text or message Jason directly. Please note that the parent or guardian of a Junior Member under 12 is to be present at all times when fishing our waters.

Should a parent or guardian wish to bring a Junior member but they have no fishing experience themselves then please contact Jason in the first instance. There are plenty of experienced members who are willing to help guide and assist our Junior members on match days.

It's been a while since we had a Junior Match. Please refresh yourselves with the Society's constitution and fishing (match) rules. Junior members must hook the fish and where practical play the fish, adult assistance can be given at any other time.

Note: Children under 13 years of age do not need a rod licence, children between 13 & 16 years of age do need a Junior rod licence which is free and available online,

If you require any further information regarding Junior match fishing please contact….
Jason Burke
Mobile 07902 561229
Email -

3rd April 2024
Following the recent AGM in March we would like to welcome the new appointments to the committee and bailiff positions:-

Eddy Hegarty will fill the role as Secretary (he has been acting as Secretary over the last few months) and continue on in his positions of Senior Match Secretary and Head Bailiff.

Billy Carroll takes over the position of Membership Secretary. The club would like to the thank Peter Clarkson for his continued efforts and dedication over the last few years in this role.

Todd Barker coming in as Joint Secretary to work alongside Eddy Hegarty in a shared role, and also taking up position as bailiff for Lane Head and Broadley Wood.

Jason Burke for taking on the vacant position as Junior Match Secretary and bailiff for Dury Lane.

All other positions will remain in post for the coming year.

8th February 2024
Calling all members! The AGM will take place on Tuesday the 5th March at
The Reform Club, 7pm on Edenfield Street, Rochdale. OL12 7BP. The Procedure/Agenda will be as per Section 14 of the Constitution, which is available for perusal on the website.

11th December 2023
It's that time of year again and this is a short appeal to all members to help wherever possible with the problem of predation by cormorants and gooseander on our waters. We currently have a number of measures in place to deter these birds from landing and taking our fish stock, but the best one by far is people presence. If you have 10 minutes to spare just to walk around our ponds it could make a big difference in protecting our fish.

For more information follow the attached links:-
Cormorants - Protecting Your Fishery

11th December 2024
We are still looking for applicants for the post of Junior Match Secretary so that we can once again build a sustainable Junior section and begin to hold matches in 2024.
Anyone interested in this position can discuss it with one of our committee members. Any relevant training will be provided by the Society.

11th December 2023
2024 Memberships will be available from Rochdale Angling or Peter Clarkson from the 14th December. Why not buy one as a Christmas gift for someone you know?
If renewing your membership please remember to take your 2023 Membership card with you and a current photo for your new card.
While you are there take the chance to buy a few Christmas gifts and enjoy a 10% discount when you present you Membership card. Let's all try to support our local tackle shop like they support our club!

8th November 2023
Due to low attendance at monthly meetings we have made the decision to change venue as a trial.
Future meetings, until further notice will be held at
The Reform Club, at 7pm on Edenfield Street, Rochdale. OL12 7BP. Please note the earlier start time.

19th June 2023
The Society would like to thank Bill Holden's family for their very kind and generous donation of £333 from the collection monies at Bills funeral. Its is greatly appreciated by the Club and a very nice gesture.

22nd April 2023
We have received the very sad news that one of our past members, Mr Bill Holden has sadly passed away. Bill was the Chairman of the Society for a period, an avid angler and a very long standing member. Our sincere condolences go out to his family and friends at this difficult time.
The funeral will be held at Whitworth Cemetery on Monday 24th April, 10:30am.

22nd March 2023
Thanks to our extremely kind sponsor, CySec Professionals Ltd., we will, in the next couple of weeks be introducing some new fish stock into the main pond at Lane Head comprising of 111 -1lb tench and 154 - 1 1/2lb bream . We are also looking at some new carp from club funds for the Specimen pond.
Also on Lane Head you will notice that work is underway to create a fish refuge in the corner at peg 8 with new fencing already erected. This will also be extended around the whole car park. In addition to this the Specimen pond has a new bridge thanks to the very kind donation and hard work of John Fielding, and together with him and a few more of the lads that installation now looks fantastic.

8th February 2023
We are pleased to announce that the 'CySec Professionals Award' for the '
Club Man' of the year was awarded to Oliver Zebedee-Howard. This was to recognise his commitment and work done over the past year for the club, whether it be work parties, work behind the scenes or any other involvement. Oli was chosen by the members themselves using a 'blind' vote.

17th May 2022
We are pleased to announce the completion of the works on the main lake at Lane Head. The Society would like to thank C.S. Gorton Ltd. for the fantastic job that has been done in raising the standard of the water, which will hopefully attract new members to the club. In addition you will notice the new Peg number boards. Once again we we would like to thank CySec Professionals Ltd. for their significant sponsorship to help us to achieve all this. Also a big thanks for the sponsorship from Rochdale Angling.
The next step is to upgrade the Specimen pond.


5th April 2022
The Society are very pleased to announce that we have secured a large sponsorship package for Lane Head from CySec Professionals Ltd. The immediate commitment covers sponsorship of all 18 pegs on the Match Lake and, longer term, financial support for planned works on the Specimen Lake. We extend our sincere thanks to CySec Professionals Ltd for this injection of funding for the club.

You can find out more about Cybersecurity on the following websites….

5th February 2022
Please note that we have revised our
Constitution , article 21- Child Protection. Please familiarise yourself with these changes. Also on our Junior match page we have added the contact details of Sean Moore who is our Child Welfare Officer. The Society's 'Main Contacts' page has been updated accordingly with the addition of Graham Smith as Junior Match Secretary.

29th November 2021
It is regret that we have to announce that we have given up the lease on the Broadgate pond in Chadderton. We have struggled to bailiff the pond and have experienced extensive poaching of the water which also resulted in large amounts of litter being left around the banks. The pond is owned by Oldham Council. No other club has taken the pond over so as such, it is still available to fish for free as a Council pond should members wish to do so.

19th September 2018
Have you ever thought about joining the Angling Trust as an individual member? Well now is a great time to do so as they are offering a fantastic deal. Basically you get the cost of your membership back to spend at the!!! If you are interested click on this….Angling Trust Individual Membership Deal for full details.
13th June 2018
Please be aware that during matches at Lane Head, cones will be placed halfway up the ramp to the car park to stop access and egress. This is to avoid disturbance at that end of the lake. Also bank walking will not be permitted during the match.
For those wanting to fish the Specimen lake please park on the car park prior to 8am (leaving after 3pm) otherwise you can drop your gear at the gate, turn round using the ramp and park at the top of the lane.

20th December 2016
It has been brought to the committee's attention that some anglers are using more than 2 rods. Please can we remind anglers that a maximum of two rods only are allowed on WVAS waters. This is stated under item .d. of the Appendix in the
Clubs Constitution (Society Byelaws), which states, 'Any number of rods may be set-up, but a maximum of two rods are to be used at any one time’.